Purchase your tickets at NewportHistoryTours.org.
Learn about the people who lived in early Newport and helped shape the city’s rich history. This 45-minute tour is presented by a guide wearing authentic historical clothing.
Tours depart from the Colony House, located at the top of Washington Square, and cost $15 per person, $10 for Newport Historical Society members and active duty military. Tickets must be purchased in advance online at NewportHistoryTours.com, cash payments are not accepted. Visitors are required to wear a face mask and follow social distancing guidelines of staying 6 feet apart from anyone not part of their “quaranteam.” Additionally, visitors will be screened for illness to ensure the health of everyone in the tour group. Tours are limited to 6 visitors. For more details visit NewportHistoryTours.org or call the Museum of Newport History & Shop at 401-841-8770.