The latest in a series of civil discourse with the Newport Historical Society. To address a question that affects America as a whole, we assembled a diverse group that included […] my grandfather, a Jewish socialist refugee from Russia/Poland in the early years of the 20th century, embracing bacon was one way to be an American. He cooked it every […] the past year, the Newport Historical Society has held a series of Civic Conversations on what it means to be an American today. We could have a hell of […] conversation focused on a topic that was inspired by the President’s recent declaration that he was establishing a project to create a patriotic educational curriculum for the United States. […] fifth Civic Conversation tackled what was, apparently, the thorniest question so far: do we, in America today, have a shared set of facts and a shared vision of what […]“This is my fourth Civic Conversation,” said one participant, “but it is the first time that I thought the topic has a clear answer. Of course protest is patriotic.” There […]